November 19, 2004

Career Killers To Avoid - on MSN

Just came upon this article in MSN (careerbuilder). The author says, "I conducted a national survey of CEOs and top executives career paths and hiring decisions. From the results, I identified traits, ideals and characteristics that successful leaders seek in developing their workforce."
Here is just the bold points of their thoughts, from higher to lower priority:
  1. Lack of Results.
  2. Not Working at a Job you are Passionate about.
  3. Not having big enough goals.
  4. Thinking that money is everything.
  5. Having a Bad Attitude.
  6. Gossiping and playing Office Politics.

A month back, some of my friends and me had a strong discussion about the second point, that passion is a must. Passion plays a big part in who you are and what you become into. Huge corporations have lecturers coming in to tell you about passion and its importance. The best part about passion is it cannot be faked. More on passion at some later date.


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